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Chloe has over 15 years’ experience in environmental assessment and monitoring, licensing and approvals, and policy development. Chloe has held various positions within the private sector and government, giving her a broad perspective of the planning process and the associated challenges and opportunities.
Chloe started her career as an environmental consultant in Brisbane and was involved in a range of projects including groundwater monitoring; acid sulphate soil assessments; flora and fauna monitoring; water quality testing; and marine macro-invertebrate sampling. Chloe also implemented the monitoring and testing program for the BP Oil Refinery (Brisbane) wastewater treatment system.
Chloe moved from consulting to development assessment with the Fisheries Queensland Planning and Assessment unit. Chloe’s major responsibility was the management of the fisheries approvals process for the multi-billion dollar Liquefied Natural Gas and coal terminal developments within the Gladstone region. Chloe also initiated the development of a scheme to work with catchment management groups to better manage and utilise funding received for fish habitat offsets. The scheme would allow community groups to pool funds from multiple offsets; therefore, allocating funds more strategically, providing greater benefits to fisheries resources.
In the following years, Chloe worked across a number of projects for the QLD Department of Environment and Resource Management’s Reef Policy Unit, including the Sugarcane Compliance Program, Reef Protection Science Program and Weed Management Project. Chloe was heavily involved in a range of stakeholder engagement activities to support and inform the different programs and to develop strategies that would guide future policy and spending on extension and education activities to those affected by the policies.
More recently, Chloe worked as an Environmental Planner for Hunter Water’s Dams and Catchment team. Chloe was responsible for monitoring daily activities associated with dam operation to identify issues that could result in non-compliance; implementing appropriate remedial actions; and preparing reports for Hunter Water management and the NSW Office of Water following incidents of non-compliance.
As a Senior Consultant with Jackson Environment and Planning, Chloe has facilitated a range of planning, development, and Environment Protection Licence approvals. Chloe has assisted clients with planning approvals on a range of complex sites affected by issues and constraints including biodiversity values, historic contamination, flooding, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and bush fire risk. Chloe has worked with a range of clients such as Bingo Industries, Sell & Parker Pty Ltd, Civil and Tunnel Pty Ltd, BSV Tyre Recycling, Vitocco Enterprises, Purple Cow Industries, and Sydney Recycling Parks.
Chloe has a Bachelor of Marine Science (Hons. First Class) from the University of Wollongong.