Environmental Planning and Waste Management Sydney

Sydney office: (02) 8056 1849

A New Recycling Facility for Tomago

REMONDIS Australia Pty Ltd is planning to establish a new centre for its resource recovery and truck depot operations at 21D and 21F School Drive, Tomago (Lot 11, DP270328, and Lot 8, DP270328), helping to create jobs and support the local economy. Consultation with the community is underway to seek feedback on this exciting new development for the Hunter.


REMONDIS is one of the world’s largest recycling, service and water companies. With over 30,000 employees and around 800 business locations on 4 continents, the group serves more than 30 million people and many thousands of companies.  REMONDIS has more than 35 years of experience in the environmental services sector in Australia and New Zealand. The company obtained its first municipal contract in Penrith City, New South Wales, in 1982. Today, REMONDIS has become one of the market leaders in the area of innovative waste management solutions in Australia.

About the project

REMONDIS is planning to develop a Resource Recovery Facility at 21D School Drive, Tomago. The facility will receive, sort, process and recycle up to 98,200 tonnes per annum of waste materials each year when at full capacity. The recycling operations will be fully enclosed.  Equipment will be installed in the existing buildings.  There will also be a truck parking depot developed on the next door lot at 21F School Drive. A small amount of land to the north, being an access road into 21D School Drive will also form part of the development.

The new recycling facility will have different sections that can process different wastes.  Within the two buildings at the site, there will be:

  • A fully integrated Materials Recovery Facility for sorting and processing dry recycling.
  • A Cardboard Baling Facility for cardboard collected from businesses.
  • A Drill Mud Recycling Facility for drill muds sourced from the mining and coal seam gas industry.
  • A Packaged Food Recycling Plant, which will accept packaged foods and drinks, separating the food contents and packaging for recycling.
  • A Garden Organics Primary Processing plant, which will receive, decontaminate and shred woody garden organics for off-site composting.
  • A Hazardous Waste Recycling Facility, for sorting and aggregating a range of spent solid materials and liquids containing oils and chemicals.
  • A Copper Processing area.
  • A Metals Recycling Facility.

The truck parking depot will be for use by REMONDIS vehicles, which are used to collect waste for recycling and deliver the sorted material to other sites for further recycling.

More information can be found in our fact sheet on the project.

How can I find out more?

  • Online information session, 7-8pm Wednesday 22nd July 2020. Please send us an email to register.
  • View our scoping report on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s web site.

How can I provide feedback?

We would appreciate your comments and questions on the project by Friday 24th July 2020. Please email or phone us on 02 8056 1849.

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