Sydney office: (02) 8056 1849
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Bin City is a family-owned business located in Albion Park Rail, south of Wollongong. The business commenced operations in 2017 and supplies a range of skip bins for hire throughout the Illawarra to the Southern Highlands and South Coast.
Bin City currently has over 500 skip bins ranging in sizes and service a range of clients including project management companies, developers, builders and home renovators.
To support the growth and expansion of the business, the team at Jackson Environment and Planning Pty Ltd were engaged to seek the company’s second recycling facility approval – this time, in Port Kembla.
The application sought approval for the operation of a resource recovery facility, accepting up to 30,000 tonnes per year for recycling. Our team also assisted in the site investigation and due diligence process prior to commencing the planning application.
The application builds upon the 15,000 tonne per year facility approval our team secured in early 2021 for their Albion Park Rail site.
The operation is being established within an existing industrial warehouse, with an internal floor area of 3,400m2. All waste sorting and processing, and the majority of waste storage at the site will occur wholly within the warehouse. The outdoor hardstand area will be used for traffic movement, weighbridge construction, vehicle parking, empty bin storage and the storage of waste tyres within skip bins for fire safety purposes.
The development will comply with contemporary standards for resource recovery facilities, and a number of site upgrades are proposed. These include construction of dedicated tip and spread bays for verifying that waste materials do not contain contaminants as per the EPA’s Standards for Managing Construction Waste in NSW; construction of concrete block walls inside the warehouse to create waste sorting and temporary storage bays;fire safety systems; full internal bunding provided within the building for spill and firewater containment, and a misting system to suppress dust during tipping, sorting and loading of waste materials for off-site recycling.
Other upgrades included an above-ground weighbridge to be located near the site entry for measuring the quantity of waste entering and leaving the facility; a weighbridge office; mobility parking; and stormwater system upgrades.
The planning application was assessed by Wollongong City Council as a local and integrated development. The application was also assessed by the NSW Environment Protection Authority.
The development application for the new recycling facility was approved by Wollongong City Council under DA2021/1217 on 3rd May 2022. The approval will now allow the business to further grow and provide improved recycling services for Wollongong and surrounding areas.
For waste and recycling services in the Illawarra, Southern Highlands and Southcoast please contact the Bin City team on 0424 076 202 or visit the website
To see how we can assist in securing planning approval for your next recycling facility, please contact us on (02) 8056 1849 or email us at More info at
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