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Davis Earthmoving & Quarrying Pty Ltd, the largest supplier of recycling plant and equipment for hire in Australia will shortly commence construction of their own 200,000 tonne per annum resource recovery facility at 90 Gindurra Rd Somersby to help boost recycling rates in the Central Coast.
The facility called ‘Kariong Sand & Soil Supplies’ will be the largest recycler of sand, soil and building materials on the Central Coast of New South Wales.
The team at Jackson Environment and Planning Pty Ltd are very pleased to have led the planning and development process for the project, which was approved by the Independent Planning Commission of NSW in December 2021.
Dr Mark Jackson, Director of Jackson Environment and Planning said “We are really excited to have worked with Davis Earthmoving & Quarrying in scoping, guiding and leading the planning process for this critical infrastructure project.”
He said “Our team worked closely with the NSW Environment Protection Authority, NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Central Coast Council, the local community and community groups to ensure that all key environmental and planning matters were addressed in the application. The project has been approved as a State Significant Development and has undergone one of the most comprehensive environmental assessments in NSW for this type of project.”
This state-of-the-art facility will turn sand, soil and surplus building materials into 100% recycled landscaping supplies. Mr Eric Davis, CEO of Davis Earthmoving & Quarrying said, “We expect 75% of the materials we recycle to come from the Central Coast and close to 100% of recycled landscaping supplies will be used in the region.”
“The development will include the clean-up and enhancement of the front 6 hectares of the site, into a professional landscape supplies business supplying local builders, landscapers and trades with quality aggregates, soil and mulches for building projects,” Mr Davis said.
Mr Davis also said “The facility will accept and recycle sand/soil, timber, metals, concrete, bricks, tiles, asphalt, stumps and rootballs. No asbestos, smelly or hazardous wastes will be accepted. We will also create more than 20 new jobs in the area and we’ll be injecting more than $14.9 million into the local economy through construction of the facility alone.”
The facility’s aim is to provide environmentally responsible solutions to maximise resource recovery. Mr Davis explains, “For decades, we have been committed to recycling. At Kariong Sand & Soil Supplies we aim to improve sustainability rates, and to contribute to a circular economy. This recycling facility will be a contributor towards the world’s global goal of zero emissions by 2050. The NSW Government has set an ambitious recycling target of 80% by 2030. The facility will play an important role in diverting waste from landfill and will contribute towards a sustainable future for the Central Coast.”
The population of the Central Coast is forecast to grow by up to 20.6% between 2021 and 2041, resulting in a 26% increase in the number of homes required (37,950). This facility will help recycle materials from all this building work. The facility will provide competitive options for local businesses who currently have limited access to recycling centres, and can help to reduce illegal roadside dumping in the area.
More information on the project is available from the Kariong Sand & Soil Supplies website, or by calling Davis Earthmoving & Quarrying on 02 9450 2288 or email
To see how we can help you to gain approvals and licenses to build your industrial facility, please contact us on (02) 8056 1849 or email us at
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