Environmental Planning and Waste Management Sydney

Sydney office: (02) 8056 1849

Do you need funding for a weighbridge?

The NSW EPA has released its fourth round of weighbridge funding to assist facilities such as waste storage facilities, waste transfer stations and resource recovery facilities to install a weighbridge. Please read on to learn how you can access this funding.

Grant of up to $75,000 or up to 50% of the capital cost of installing a weighbridge can be for applied for under the program.

The fourth round of the grants program is now open and closes on 14 November 2016. A range of weighbridge options can be chosen to suit the requirements of your facility, including portable and in-ground weighbridge options.

Under section 36 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014, it is a requirement under law for waste storage, waste transfer stations and resource recovery facilities that carry on scheduled activities requiring an EPA licence to have a weighbridge in place.

Portable weighbridges have been popular on many sites because they are really easy to install and require minimal civil works, and generally are approved by council as a section 96 Development Modification under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

In-ground weighbridges that require civil works normally require a full development application to council.

To successfully apply for funding, applicants need to seek a detailed quotation for work, prepare engineering designs, a detailed budget and a project implementation plan. Other critical parts of your application include a site plan and a traffic management plan.

We also recommend you commence the preparation of your development application to council.

Our team at Jackson Environment and Planning has successfully obtained funding for a number of facilities across NSW.

We have also supported facilities in designing, seeking planning approval, grant reporting and compliance audits to make sure the weighbridge requirements meet the waste reporting requirements of the NSW EPA.

We have also supported many facilities implement their monthly waste contribution monthly reporting (WCMR) to the EPA through the Waste and Resource Reporting Portal (WARRP).

Should you need any assistance with applying for a grant, need advice in preparing your application or need help with your planning approval, please do not hesitate to contact us on (02) 8056 1849 or mark@www.jacksonenvironment.com.au.

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