Environmental Planning and Waste Management Sydney

Sydney office: (02) 8056 1849

Proposed Resource Recovery Facility Upgrade – Economy Waste Group

Economy Waste Group Pty Ltd are proposing to upgrade their existing Resource Recovery Facility at 30 Nells Rd, West Gosford to better service the recycling needs of builders and developers on the Central Coast of NSW.

The Proposal will involve an increase in the operating area of the facility, to include adjacent land located at 38 Nells Rd, West Gosford, with numerous site upgrades to ensure that the facility is designed to meet environmental best practice. 

All waste receival and sorting activities are proposed to be carried out in a building. Upgrades to the facility will help reduce or minimise impacts on noise, air quality and traffic. The Proposal will create 20 new full time jobs, helping to support local employment and economic growth within the region.

The Proposal will include the following key elements:

  • Expand the recycling capacity of the site from 30,000 tonnes per annum to 100,000 tonnes per annum during Stage 1 and up to 200,000 tonnes per annum during Stage 2; and
  • Increase the operating hours to receive wastes by one hour in the morning during weekdays and extend the operations by two hours on a Saturday, with loadout and transport of sorted materials or residual waste 24 hrs 7 days a week (at off-peak times).

More information is available:

The development application for the project is currently being prepared. We welcome your feedback on the Proposal. Please provide feedback via: 

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