Environmental Planning and Waste Management Sydney

Sydney office: (02) 8056 1849

Temporary Sheds at Sydney Recycling Park Approved to Enhance the Site’s Environmental Performance

Sydney Recycling Park, located at 16-23 Clifton Avenue, Kemps Creek (Lot 230 DP 1134016) is an approved non-putrescible General Solid Waste landfill and recycling facility, that provides important recycling services for building and demolition materials, including general solid waste and soils from construction sites. The facility is well located to receive, sort and recycle building waste to support the sustainable development of the Western Sydney Airport and Aerotropolis.

To help improve the environmental performance of recycling activities conducted at the premises, two large temporary sheds have been proposed to enclose part of their recycling operations. One shed has a floor area of 2,100m2 and the second has a floor area of 2,520m2. Enclosure of recycling operations is being conducted around Sydney to modernise and improve the environmental performance of this critical infrastructure.

A detailed planning application and a series of technical investigations were led by the JEP Environment & Planning team to seek consent for the proposed development. Special consideration of visual impacts, geotechnical, stormwater, noise and landscaping were required in the development application.

The application was assessed as a Regionally Significant Development by the Sydney Western City Planning Panel who approved the application on the 1st of December 2023. The proposal will modernise and improve the performance of the existing facility and will enhance the visual landscape of the surrounding area through extensive landscaping associated with the business. 

Our team is also leading the design and post-approval process, including the construction certificate, in preparation for building works that will commence early in 2025. 

If you need to recycle any building waste in Western Sydney, please contact Sydney Recycling Park on 1300 926 537 or visit Wanless Waste Management

To see how we can assist in securing planning approval for your next industrial development, please contact us on (02) 8056 1849 or email us at admin@jacksonenvironment.com.au. More info at https://www.jacksonenvironment.com.au.

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