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To help support the recycling of tyres from passenger vehicles and trucks in the Hunter, Rutherford Tyre Recyclers plan to build an advanced recycling facility in Rutherford.
The facility will process end of life tyres into rubber crumb in a fully enclosed industrial building at 9 Burlington Place, Rutherford. The crumb rubber processed in the high-tech plant will be used by local manufacturers of asphalt. Crumb rubber, as an addition to asphalt can extend the life of roads by up to ten years. The plant will also manufacture 100% recycled rubber tiles, a sustainable flooring used in many commercial applications.
The development approval permits up to 4,500 tonnes per year of end-of-life tyres to be processed and recycled. The approval also permits an extension of the existing industrial building; installation of tyre recycling plant equipment; various fire safety upgrades; upgrades to the stormwater management system and pit style weighbridge.
Our expert team at JEP Environment & Planning were engaged by Rutherford Tyre Recyclers to lead the design, technical investigations, planning and community consultation to support the development application.
The application was assessed by Maitland City Council and approved by the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel on the 9th of December 2024.
The development will provide critical tyre recycling infrastructure for the Hunter and significantly reduce the number of used tyres disposed in landfill. The development will also assist in creating jobs and boost economic growth within the Hunter Valley.
Our team is also supporting Rutherford Tyre Recyclers with their Construction Certificate, Occupation Certificate and EPA licence. Rutherford Tyre Recyclers is expected to finish construction and begin operating in early 2025.
If you would like to have your tyres recycled, please contact Mr Mark Johnson at Rutherford Tyre Recyclers at or call 0408 320 235.
To see how we can assist in securing planning approval for your next industrial development, please contact us on (02) 8056 1849 or email us at More info at
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